
『アーユルヴェーダと〇〇 vol.1 パンチャカルマ基本編』田村ゆみ著
正規代理店( IRCTC authorized Retail Service Providers)を通して、購入する方法もあります。
正規代理店は、Find Agent で検索できます。ニセ代理店にご注意。
AROUND INDIAが、チケット購入に使っているのはCleartripです。
自分で予約するのが不安な方は、日本語が通じるデリーの旅行会社Shigeta Travels シゲタトラベル にお願いすると安心です。
[toggle title=”お知らせの原文はこちら”]Dear User,
On the directives of Central Vigilance Commission, IRCTC is observing Vigilance Awareness Week- 2019 on the theme “Integrity – A way of life” from 28th October to 2nd November 2019.
Integrity Pledge
Certificate of commitment toward Zero tolerance on corruption by taking Integrity pledge: Central Vigilance Commission, Government of India requested to conscious citizens of India to take Integrity pledge for upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct, honesty and integrity. Just click on this Hyperlink http://pledge.cvc.nic.in/ for the pledge and get a certificate.
In order to be aware and prevent cases of cheating/corruption, you are requested to observe the following DO’s and DONT’s while booking e-tickets and booking of meal orders to be delivered in trains/stations.
E- Ticketing
While creating your own personal ID at www.irctc.co.in, please give correct details like Name, Address, Mobile No., e-mail address etc.
If booking through agent, book through IRCTC authorized Retail Service Providers (list available at www.irctc.co.in) and pay the prescribed IRCTC and Agent service charge per ticket irrespective of no. of passengers. Always insist to have cash receipt of the full amount paid by you.
Please ensure that agent gives your mobile No. while booking so that you get SMS of ticket details including the Fare + other charges.
Never purchase or sell e-tickets generated from personal user IDs. It is an offence under section 143 of the Railway Act 1989. E-tickets purchased/sold from personal user IDs are liable to be cancelled at any time.
For overcharging/other irregularity committed by IRCTC authorized Retail Service Providers, lodge a complaint (along with copy of e-ticket and cash memo) with agentcomplaint@irctc.co.in.
E catering
For booking of meal orders in trains/stations, use IRCTC website www.ecatering.irctc.co.in or phone numbers 1323 or mobile application with name “Food on Track”.
The sole website for booking of meal orders to be delivered in trains/at stations is the IRCTC E-catering website.
All orders for delivery in train would bear the order number issued by IRCTC only.
Always ask for bill as: “No Bill – The Food Is Free”.
Best Regards,
Vigilance Department